
The fascinating history of Mother's Day in France

Discover the origin and evolution of this annual celebration dedicated to French mothers.

In France, Mother's Day is an unmissable event which takes place every year on the last Sunday in May. This well-established tradition, however, has a rather turbulent history. A look back at the origins of this celebration that has become essential.

Its beginnings in 1918

It was in 1918 that we found traces of the first initiatives aimed at creating a Mother's Day in France. At the time, the country was emerging from a dark period marked by the First World War and sought to pay tribute to all these women who had to face the difficulties of daily life alone during the conflict.

This is how on May 26, 1918, the city of Lyon organized a first ceremony in honor of mothers. The event was a great success and gradually spread to other French regions.

The official celebration in 1926

After this first local experiment, the government decided to take up the concept in 1920. It then created a "National Mothers' Day", which took place on May 16 of that year. But the event is struggling to establish itself in the long term.

It was not until 1926 that Mother's Day became an official celebration, established by a law of May 24. Now, it is held on the last Sunday in May, allowing families to come together for the occasion.

A traditional family gathering

Over the years, Mother's Day has become anchored in French traditions. This annual meeting has become an opportunity for children to thank their mother by giving her flowers, gifts or preparing a meal.

Today, Mother's Day remains a time of sharing and conviviality with family. It is a special time to celebrate the essential role of Mothers in our society. A tradition that has spanned the decades and continues to hold an important place in the hearts of the French.